

🚀 Tech Startup Lead Generation Tip #21 Less is more

by Ryan James

founder of Rocket SaaS

Tech startup lead generation tip number 21

Less is more.

Tech companies often have a very bad habit of putting far too many words on their website.

The main reasons why tech companies in particular suffer from this is mainly because it sometimes takes quite a few words to describe what the technology is and tech companies like to show off and express how fantastic their technology is.

Attention spans on the web are so short, people don’t read long chunks of text. This caused people to skim your website and totally miss the message that you want to get across.

There are better ways to present your business on your website. Such as video, infographics, software animation, bullet points or icons for example.

Let’s look at a couple of examples…
Slack and Monday

Reducing the amount of text on your website and using more engaging forms of content is a great way to get visitors to understand your tech and how it benefits them, which will have a dramatic impact on leads.

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