
🚀 Tech Startup Lead Generation Tip #13 Create a value calculator

by Ryan James

founder of Rocket SaaS

Tech startup lead generation tip number 13

Back in tip number 5, I talked about how you shouldn’t necessarily always be marketing to your core product or service.

Creating a value calculator is one of my favourite lead generation tools.

Generally, a key question that prospects want to know, is “What return on investment am I going to get from working with you?”.

So a great way of generating leads is to create an interactive calculator which tells them exactly that.

Let’s take a look at this great example from Salesforce.

I appreciate that an ROI calculator doesn’t work for all businesses, but if you give it some thought, there is often some kind of mini questionnaire you can create, which gives the visitor value.

You can really impress the visitor with this data, which will undoubtedly increase leads, or alternatively, you could ask them to submit a small contact form before the results are given to them.

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By Ryan James

Founder @ Rocket SaaS

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